Lab Test Report
Samsung CLP-670ND
© 2010 Buyers Laboratory Inc. Duplication in any manner is illegal and strictly forbidden without written permission
from Buyers Laboratory. Violators will be prosecuted. To purchase reprints, contact BLI at info@buyerslab.com.
Test Environment
This product was tested in BLI’s 929-square-metre U.S. test lab, in an environment monitored by an Extech RH S20 Digital
RH/Temperature Recorder and Honeywell Model 61 Seven-Day Temperature/Relative Humidity Chart Recorder. All products
lab tested by BLI are powered by dedicated circuits that are protected by ESP (Electronic Systems Protection, Inc.) surge
protectors to prevent transient power and communication disturbances from impacting equipment under test.
Test Equipment
BLI’s dedicated test network, consisting of Windows 2003 servers, Windows XP workstations, 10/100BaseTX network
switches and CAT5 cabling.
Test Duration
Products are tested for two months, a portion of which consists of a durability test during which the product is run at half of
its manufacturer-rated maximum monthly volume, with varying daily test volumes designed to replicate real-world use over
an eight-hour workday. This variable schedule includes a mix of various-size documents, simplex and duplex modes, and a
mix of short, moderate and long run lengths, and on/off cycles, throughout the day.
Tested Configuration
Samsung CLP-670ND base unit, plus optional 512-MB memory upgrade and 500-sheet drawer.
Test Procedures
The test methods and procedures employed by BLI in its lab testing include BLI’s proprietary procedures and industry-
standard test procedures, which include a BLI-developed variation of ASTM’s 1318-90 Test Method for Determination of
Productivity using Electrostatic Copy Machines. In addition to a number of proprietary test documents, BLI uses an industry-
standard KATUN test original for evaluating black image quality and test suites from Quality Logic to evaluate applications
compatibility. In addition to a visual observation under a Graphiclite D5000 Standard Viewer, colour print quality is tested
using a colour test target, which is read using the X-Rite Eye-One/iO Colour Spectrophotometer, and samples are analysed
using the CIE XY Chromaticity Diagram. In addition, density of black and colour output is measured using an X-Rite 500
Series Densitometer. Georgia-Pacific Spectrum Multi-Use Paper is used in the tests, 10 percent of which is recycled paper
containing 30 percent post-consumer content. Image quality is tested using Georgia-Pacific Printing Paper.
BUYERS LABORATORY North America • Europe • Asia
Michael Danziger
Mark Lerch
Anthony F. Polifrone
Managing Director
Daria M. Hoffman
Managing Editor
John Donnelly
Managing Director—International
Pete Emory
Manager of Laboratory Testing
David Sweetnam
European Lab and Research Manager
Jon Bees
Director of Strategic Marketing Products
Buyers Laboratory Inc.
BLI International (UK) Ltd.
BLI International Ltd.
©2010 Buyers Laboratory Inc. Reproduced by permission of Buyers Laboratory Inc. Any duplication of this report without the written
permission of Buyers Laboratory, is unlawful and violators will be prosecuted. To purchase reprints, contact BLI at at info@buyerslab.com.