Lab Test Report
Samsung CLP-670ND
© 2010 Buyers Laboratory Inc. Duplication in any manner is illegal and strictly forbidden without written permission
from Buyers Laboratory. Violators will be prosecuted. To purchase reprints, contact BLI at info@buyerslab.com.
• Highly reliable—flawless durability performance
• Natural-looking flesh tones in photographic images; most colours in the gamut remained consistent throughout
testing; fully formed and dark characters, consistent production of line art, above average halftones and dark solids
• Above average colour job stream productivity using the PCL driver; faster than average first-print times for four of
the five test files; among the fastest first-print time from overnight sleep
• Above average and slightly above average standard and maximum memory capacities, respectively; standard au-
tomatic duplexing contributes to less paper waste
• Average tested toner yields for all colours exceeded the declared specifications; toner-save mode in the drivers
helps extend the life of the print cartridges
• Simple processes for adjusting drawers, loading media and removing misfeeds; clean procedure for replacing car-
• SyncThru Web Service and SyncThru Web Admin service allow administrators to manage the unit and an entire fleet
of Samsung and compatible devices, respectively
• Pop-up messages and icon and e-mail alerts keep users well-informed of device and print job status
• Highly automated driver installation routine has users up and running in minutes
• Below average productivity when printing multiple sets in both duplex modes
• Below average standard paper capacity; below average paper-handling ability through the drawers
• Low impressions-per-gram yields for all colours
The CLP-670ND is certified highly reliable by BLI, completing a 40,000-impression
durability test without a single misfeed and requiring no service of any kind.
PMs/Malfunctions Service Required
Meter Count
Impressions Between
Meter Count (Beginning of Test)
End of Test Period
Total Misfeeds/Misfeed Rate
0/Not applicable
Total Service Calls
, — and represent positive, negative and neutral attributes, respectively.
©2010 Buyers Laboratory Inc. Reproduced by permission of Buyers Laboratory Inc. Any duplication of this report without the written
permission of Buyers Laboratory, is unlawful and violators will be prosecuted. To purchase reprints, contact BLI at at info@buyerslab.com.