You can manage your daily contacts by storing their name
and number in your Address Book. Address Book entries can
be sorted by name, entry, or group.
You can also synchronize your phone Address Book with
&T Address Book, the network backup service.
r more information, refer to “Contacts and Your Address
Book” on page 65.
Data Manager
This app is a shortcut to your Data usage settings so you can
manage your data.
From the Home screen, tap ➔
Data Manager
For more information, refer to “Data Usage” on page
Device Help
DeviceHelp provides online information to help with your
device questions.
1. Fr
om the Home screen, tap
Device Help
AT&T Device Help
screen is displayed.
2. Follo
w the on-screen instructions for accessing helpful
Provides quick access to tabs containing a list of your current
downloaded files (Internet and Other).
1. From the Home screen, tap ➔
All of your downloads are listed.
2. Ta
p an available file and select it for use.
3. Choose an available action such as Share, Delete, Sort
by size, or Clear list.
Email enables you to review and create email using various
email services. You can also receive message alerts when
you re
ceive an important email.
For more information, refer
to “Using Email” on
page 104.