Writing area
Add Page
The icons that you see displayed on the screen are described
in the following table:
View mode: allows you to read/view your memo.
Edit mode: allows you to make changes to your memo.
llows you to add free-format drawing.
Displays the keypad to you can add text.
Eraser tool allows you to erase marks and drawings.
Undo the last acti on.
Redo t
he last action that was undone.
Make a voice recording to add to the memo. This option
is not available in free-format drawing mode.
Provides access to a quick selection bar. Choose from:
ake picture, Images, Clipboard, Maps, and Clip art.
These elements can be used within the memo.
Add an additional page to the memo.
3. Tap to access the following options:
Depending on whether you have saved the memo, are in
keypad mode, or in handwriting mode, the options will
appear differently. The following is a list of the options
you may see.
Applications 210