Section 2F: Using the Phone’s Applications and Tools 105
Applications & Tools
Today Screen
You can quickly make your Today screen much more
functional by changing the way the Today screen items
appear. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab>. Tap Toda y, and
then tap the Items tab. Here you can choose the items that
show up on the Today screen, the order they appear in, and
the display options for the items. The Today screen is used as
the default screen on the phone--when you turn on your
phone, the Today screen is displayed. The Today screen
displays the following information on the screen:
ⅷ Date
ⅷ Wireless status
ⅷ Owner information
ⅷ Messaging
ⅷ Ta sks
ⅷ Calendar
ⅷ Pocket MSN
Date and Time Settings
Clock settings can be accessed from the Today screen by
tapping the clock icon next to the day and date entry on the
screen. Clock settings allow you to set the time zone, time,
and date for your home or visiting location.
1. From the Today screen, tap the clock icon ( .)
2. From the Time tab, select either Home or Visiting.
3. Set the time zone using the drop-down arrow.
4. Tap the up or down arrow to set the correct time.
5. Tap the drop-down arrow to set the correct date.
6. Tap , and then tap Yes to confirm your changes..