118 Section 2F: Using the Phone’s Applications and Tools
Writing a Note
To write a note:
1. Tap the Start menu bar located in the upper left corner
of the screen.
2. Tap Programs, and then tap the Notes icon.
3. Tap New in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
4. Tap the keyborad icon.
(This is the default choice.)
5. Select the character input
method by tapping the
arrow in the right bottom
6. Tap when finished
writing the note.
Deleting a Note
1. Tap the Start menu bar
located in the upper left
corner of the screen.
2. Tap Programs, and then tap the Notes icon.
3. Tap the note you want to delete from the list of notes
4. Tap Menu and then tap Tools.
5. Tap Delete.
6. Tap Yes to confirm the deletion.
You can also tap and hold the note in the notes list, and then
select Delete from the pop-up menu.