M8 Product Manual REV
If the drive is in, going to, or recovering from the Standby Mode, the drive sets BSY, sets the Sector
Count register to 00h, clears BSY, and generates an interrupt.
If the drive is in the Idle Mode, the drive sets BSY, sets the Sector Count register to FFh, clears BSY,
and generates an interrupt.
8.2.2 Download Micro Code
This command enables the host to alter the drive’s Micro-code. The data transferred using this command
is vendor specific.
8.2.3 Device Configuration Overlay
The Device Configuration Overlay feature set allows a utility program to modify some of the
optional commands, modes, and feature sets that a device reports as supported in the Identify Device
command response as well as the capacity reported. Individual Device Configuration Overlay feature set
commands are identified by the value placed in the Features register. The following table illustrates these
Table 8-2 Device Configuration Overlay Feature Register Values
Device Configuration Restore
Device Configuration Freeze Lock
Device Configuration Identify
The Device Configuration Restore command disables any setting previously made by a Device.
The Device Configuration Freeze Lock command prevents accidental modification of the
Device Configuration Overlay settings. After successful execution of a Device Configuration Freeze Lock
Command, all Device Configuration Set, Device Configuration Freeze Lock, Device Configuration Identify
command, and Device Configuration Restore commands shall be aborted by the device. The Device
Configuration Freeze Lock condition will be cleared only after a power-down.
The Device Configuration Identify command returns a 512 byte data structure via PIO data-in transfer. The
content of this data structure indicates the selectable
commands, modes, and feature sets that the device is
capable of supporting. Should a Device Configuration Set command be issued reducing the capabilities, the
response to a Device Configuration Identify command will reflect the reduced set of capabilities accordingly.
The Device Configuration Set command allows a device manufacturer or a PC manufacturer to reduce the set
of optional commands, modes, or feature sets supported by a device as indicated by a Device Configuration
Identify command. The Device Configuration Set Command transfers an overlay that modifies some of the
bits in words 63, 82, 83, 84, and 88 of the Identify Device command. When the bits in these words are
cleared, the device shall no longer support the indicated command, mode, or feature set. If a bit is set in the
overlay transmitted by the device that is not set in the overlay rece
ived from a Device Configuration Identify
command, then no action is taken for that bit. Modifying the maximum LBA of the device also changes the
address value returned by a Read Native Max Address, or Read Native Max Address Ext command.