M8 Product Manual REV
8.2.35 Standby (E2h)
This command causes the drive to enter Standby Mode. See 6.6.3 for the protocol. The drive may return the
interrupt before the transition to Standby Mode is completed.
If the drive is already spun down, the spin down sequence is not executed.
8.2.36 Standby Immediate (E0h)
This command causes the drive to enter Standby Mode. See 6.6.3 for the protocol. The drive may return the
interrupt before the transition to Standby Mode is completed.
If the drive is already spun down, the spin down sequence is not executed.
8.2.37 Write Buffer (E8h)
This command enables the host to overwrite the contents of the drive's sector buffer with any data pattern
desired. See 6.6.2 for the protocol.
The Read Buffer and Write Buffer commands is synchronized within the drive so that sequential Write
Buffer and Read Buffer commands access the same 512 bytes within the buffer.
8.2.38 Write DMA (CAh, 35h: extended)
This command executes in a similar manner to Write Sector(s) except the drive issues only one interrupt per
command to indicate that data transfer has terminated and status is available.
Any error encountered during Write DMA execution results in the termination of data transfer. The drive
issues an interrupt to indicate that data transfer has terminated and the status is available in the Error register.
The error posting is the same as that for the Write Sector(s) command.
8.2.39 Write FPDMA Queued (61h)
This command is implemented according to the Serial ATA II: Extension to Serial ATA 1.0a, Revision 1.2
specification. The purpos
e of this command is for the host to issue a Native Command Queue (NCQ) write
commands. This command allows device to reorder the command issued in a sequence of the queue. The
command is returned based on the device’s determine of the location sequence.
The Spinpoint M8 drive implemented a queue depth of 32. This will allow host to issue up to 32 NCQ
commands (combined read and write commands).
If the drive enters NCQ mode and a non-queue command is received, the drive will respond with error to
inform host a queue command b
een overlapped with non-queue. If a queue tag is not finished and another
same tag command is received, the drive will response with error to inform host a duplicated tag is received.
Error information is reported according to the SATA II specification. A read Log Extended command with
log page 10 is required to retrieve the error information.