
37 Customization and Navigation
3. Tap Edit. From the Application bar on the left side of the screen, drag and
drop the application(s) you would like to show in the shortcut menu.
4. Tap the left soft key function Ok and tap the left soft key function Menu to
return to the Main Menu.
Today Screen
The items listed on the Today screen provide quick access to several user selectable
applications. The Today screen displays important information, such as upcoming
appointments, status indicators, the current date, time, and profile, as well as recently
used program icons. You can open a program directly tapping its associated icon.
Customizing your Today Screen Theme
1. From the Today screen, tap the right soft key function Main Menu > Settings
> All Settings > Today.
2. Select your new theme by tapping an entry from the list.
The default theme is Telus theme 1.
3. Tap to save your new settings and return to the previous screen.
Customizing your Today Screen Item List
1. From the Today screen, tap the right soft key function Main Menu > Settings
> All Settings > Today > Items tab.
2. Select those items which will appear on the Today screen by tapping each
item and placing a check mark adjacent to the entry.
Remove these items by removing the check mark from each item.
3. Position each item (from top to bottom) on the list by tapping an entry and
using the Move Up/Move Down buttons to position them in the list.
4. Tap to save your new settings and return to the previous screen.
Note: When using the SamsungOnlineWidget setting the other items are not applicable.
Customizing your Display Theme
1. From the Today screen, tap the right soft key function Main Menu > Settings
> All Settings > Theme Maker.
2. Tap the Theme drop down menu and select a theme color.
3. Tap the Today Text drop down menu and select the Today display text color.