Customer Agreement
218 Customer Agreement
2. Your Monthly Rate Plan
The monthly rate plan you select is part of this agreement. To the extent any condition in your plan
3. Your Rights To Refuse Or Cancel This Agreement
After you’ve had an opportunity to review this agreement, it will begin when you do any of the following
to indicate your acceptance:
• Activateyourservice
• Giveusawrittenorelectronicsignatureindicatingyouracceptance
If you do not wish to accept this agreement, do not do any of the above actions.
3.1 Our Friendly 30-Day Return Policy
• Youhaveusedlessthan30minutes.
• Youreturnthephonein“likenew”condition,asdeterminedbyGreatCall,intheoriginalboxwithall
components and materials.
The activation fee and shipping charges are not refundable.