Customer Agreement
222 Customer Agreement
4.3 Taxes, Fees And Assessments
We are required by law to charge you certain taxes, surcharges and assessments that will be included
on your bill. You are responsible for paying all taxes, surcharges and assessments associated with your
GreatCall products and services. These may change from time to time, and we may not be able to give
you advance notice about how these changes may affect you. Except as prohibited by law, we may also,
at our discretion, require you to pay regulatory and administrative fees to recover our costs of complying
with regulatory mandates and Universal Service fees or similarly imposed charges. Any customer who is
4.4 How We Calculate Your Bill
and charges in effect for your service plan at the time they are incurred. We charge for usage after calls
are made or received and charge access and other fees in advance. The length of a call will be rounded
up to the next full minute. Charges start when you’re connected to an outgoing or incoming call and
end after you hang up your phone, the other party on your call hangs up, or the call ends through
disconnection. We only bill for calls that connect, including calls answered by machines. Standard
usage charges apply to toll-free calls. There may be additional usage charges for credit card or third
party Operator-assisted calls, which may be required in certain areas. You will incur usage charges
at a minimum rate of $0.35 per minute if you exceed your service plan minutes. Billing for usage and