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SSMMSS ((SShhoorrtt MMeessssaaggee SSeerrvviiccee))SSMMSS ((SShhoorrtt MMeessssaaggee SSeerrvviiccee))
Deleting SMS Messages
1. Make sure that SMS message data is displayed.
If not, click SMS in the tree view.
2. Click the item(s) to be deleted.
3. When the required items are highlighted, select
Edit → Delete or click .
If you wish to delete all SMS messages in the
selected location, choose Edit → Delete All.
You are prompted to confirm the deletion.
4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
The SMS message data is deleted.
Moving and Copying SMS Messages
You can move or copy SMS messages from one
memory location (SIM card, MS phone memory or PC)
to another.
1. Select the SMS messages to be moved or copied.
The selected messages are highlighted.
2. Select Edit → Cut to move a message or Edit →
Copy to copy a message.
3. In the tree view, select the location to which the
messages are to be moved or copied.
4. Select Edit → Paste.
The messages are moved or copied to the selected
location in the list view.
Using the SMS Menu
Once you have selected the required message in the
SMS list, you can use the following SMS menu
New Message: allows you to create a new SMS
Reply: allows you to reply to a person from whom
you have received a message.
Forward: allows you to forward the message to the
person(s) of your choice.
Send: allows you to send the selected message to
the same person again.
Preset Message List: allows you to use a preset
message saved in EasyGPRS. For further details on
how to use preset messages, see page 45.
Service Center Address: allows you to specify the
phone number of your SMS service center. Contact
your service provider for this number.
• To move or copy a message to a new location,
you can also use the Drag-and-Drop feature.
• To select several messages at a time, see page 39.