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Downloading a Melody to the Phone
Make sure that you are in online mode. If not, select
File → Online.
1. Click in the EasyGPRS toolbar.
The Melody to Phone dialog box is displayed.
2. Click Select and select the music file to be
3. Modify the melody title if necessary.
4. Select the location (index 1 or 2) in which the
melody is to be saved in the phone.
5. To download the file, click Download.
The file is downloaded to the phone.
If you select a location (index 1 or 2) that already
contains a melody, EasyGPRS asks you if you wish
to overwrite it. Click Yes to overwrite it or No to
select another location.
6. When you have finished, click Close.
You can use an image downloaded from a network
service as the background image for the SGH-Q100
Make sure that you are in online mode. If not, select
File → Online.
1. Click in the EasyGPRS toolbar or select
Tool → Image To Phone.
The Image to Phone dialog box is displayed.
2. Click Select.
The Open dialog box is displayed.
3. Select the image file to be downloaded and click
You can see the image in the preview window and
the selected image file name is displayed in the
File Name field.
4. Modify the image title if necessary.