Changing Your Settings 248
You can view your voicemail number from this menu.
1. From the Home screen, tap (
2. Press and then tap
Call settings
3. Tap
Voice Mail
4. If an additional voicemail service is in use (other than
carrier), tap
Voice settings
to now view your selected
voicemail number and information.
Home Screen Mode
This application allows you to set your display to the
conventional layout of
Basic mode
or provide an easier user
experience for the first-time smartphone users using
1. From the Home screen, press and then tap
➔ (
Home screen mode
2. Tap the pull-down Dropbox and select one of the
following options:
•Basic mode
: provides conventional layout for the apps and
widgets on your home screens.
• Easy mode
: provides easier user experience for first-time
smartphone users on the home screens.
3. Tap
and give your device a few seconds to
update the device with the new look and feel.