
Entering Text 80
Show complete trace
: once enabled, sets wether or not to
display the complete Swype path.
Pop-up on keypress
: once enabled, displays a character
above an on-screen key while typing.
Next word prediction
: once enabled, predicts the next word in
your text string based on your current text entries.
If incorrect words are being entered as you type,
disabled this feature.
Reset Swype’s dictionary
: once enabled, deletes any words
you have added to Swype’s dictionary.
: displays the software version information.
5. Tap
Language Options
to activate and select the current
text input language. Default language is US English.
Living language
: allows you to automatically update Swype
with popular new words. Tap
to continue the process
To use Swype Connect, you must have an active data
connection available (network or Wi-Fi).
6. Tap
Swype Connect
to activate social media
personalization and configure data settings.
•Register now
: allows you register for the Swype Connect
service which allows you to backup your Swype dictionary and
sync your Swype dictionary across multiple devices.
Follow the on-screen instructions to backup and sync your
dictionary based on an email address.
Enter the activation code received after your email has been
Backup & Sync
: when active, allows you to backup your
Swype dictionary and sync your Swype dictionary across
multiple devices.
Contribute usage data
: when enabled, allows the Nuance
application to collect usage data for better word predictions.
Cellular data
: when enabled, activates cellular data usage by
the Swype application so it can receive program updates,
language downloads, and other related features via your
existing data connection.