
Section 12
Introducing Your T-Mobile Wi-Fi Capable Phone
Your phone is capable of connecting to T-Mobile via Wi-Fi
(wireless Internet broadband) and GSM (cellular towers).
When making voice calls, your phone will seamlessly
transfer between Wi-Fi and GSM connections, always
using the network with the best signal strength.
Your T-Mobile Wi-Fi compatible phone is capable of the
Connect to Wi-Fi at home
Connect to T-Mobile through Wi-Fi if you have a wireless
router set up in your home. See the Get Started Poster
(provided with your phone) and the User Guide for your
wireless router for more information.
Connect to Wi-Fi while you're on the go (hotspots)
Connect to public Wi-Fi networks at hotspot locations,
such as a T-Mobile HotSpot. Wireless Internet provides
wireless Internet access in convenient locations, such as
airports, coffeehouses, libraries, and many others.
Connect to GSM
Connect to the GSM network when Wi-Fi is not available
or if you are not interested in connecting to Wi-Fi.
Here's How it Works
Rather than using GSM radio as your phone normally
would to connect your phone to cellular towers, your T-
Mobile Wi-Fi compatible phone uses UMA (Unlicensed
Mobile Access) technology that lets you use a wireless
broadband Internet connection for your mobile phone