Section 12: WI-FI 175
Connecting to Wi-Fi Networks
Section 12
automatically transferred to the phone. All laptops and
devices connected wirelessly will need to be manually
configured for the new security. When used on an already
secured network, the key configured on the router will be
transferred to the phone. For the duration of the process
(for example, while the on the router is blinking), all
laptops and devices using the wireless network will lose
their connection.
For T-Mobile routers without encryption enabled,
following this sequence will turn on WPA and send the
security key to your T-Mobile phone. If you already have
encryption enabled, the light will be steadily lit on the T-
Mobile router, and the current router settings will be sent
to the phone.
Note: If you change the router settings, you can edit the phone's profile
with the new setting or you can create a new phone profile.
Get Security Key option can only be used with a T-Mobile
wireless router. Select the Get Security Key option from
the Wi-Fi menu to acquire automatic security keys for a T-