Section 3B: Mobile Podcasting 253
Mobile Podcasting
Podcast Channel Options
1. From the Podcast Channels page, select a channel and
select Menu. Your options are:
Ⅲ View Channel to view the list
of podcasts available within
that channel category, such as
Business and Money, Comedy,
Ⅲ Update to update the list of
available channel categories
and podcasts.
Ⅲ Pick Channels to enable or
disable individual channels.
Ⅲ Preferences to set Preferences for Update channels
at start up to provide login information, to manage
old episodes, and to set the font size. (See “Updating
Podcast Channel Preferences” on page 254.)
Ⅲ Tell a Friend to tell friends about Samsung Mobile
Podcasts by sending them an SMS text message.
Ⅲ About to see information about Samsung Mobile
Ⅲ Exit to return to the Tools menu.
To enable/disable channels:
1. From the Podcast Channels page, select Menu > Pick
2. Scroll to a channel entry and press to enable
(check) or disable (uncheck) channels one by one.
3. Select Done ( ) to store your new settings and return
to the Podcast Channels page.