Section 3B: Mobile Podcasting 259
Mobile Podcasting
4. Choose a podcast you would like to add and click
subscribe. This indicates that you wish to receive
updates to this podcast “show” by having it available as
a selectable category via your podcast channels.
5. From the Add Subscription screen, select which podcast
channel group the new subscription will be added to.
Ⅲ Your account comes with a default channel group
called My First Channel. Think of this set as a basic
collection of available podcasts.
Ⅲ You can also choose to create a new channel group.
6. Assign the channel group, either by selecting from the
My Channel group or by creating your own New Channel
(with associated privacy).
7. Click Add Subscription to finish adding the new podcast.
8. Repeat steps 4 - 7 for each additional podcast you would
like to receive.
To synchronize your podcasts with your phone:
1. Launch your Internet browser and in the Address field,
2. Click Sign-In to access your My Channels page.
3. Begin the synchronization process by clicking on the
your mobile phone link (above the Popular Podcasts
section of your page).