
To add a new phone number to an existing
To store phone nu m b e rs and names:
1 . P ress to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress for Phone Book.
3 . P ress for Add New Entry.
4 . The screen prompts for the phone nu m b e r. ( You can
enter up to 32 digits.) Press the digit keys to enter the
phone nu m b e r.The number displays from left to ri g h t .
5 . P ress to enter a hard or two second pause or
p ress for the next pro m p t .
6 . Select a Label for your new entry,your choices are :
P ress H o m e
P ress Wo r k
P ress M o b i l e
P ress Page r
P ress Fa x
P ress No Lab e l
7 . At the Name? pro m p t ,use the navigation keys to scro l l
to the Internal Phone Book entry that you are adding a
number to.P ress to store the new phone nu m b e r.
N o t e : If the desired memory location alre a dy contains an
e n t ry,the phone displays a message asking if you want to
replace the current entry. To replace the entry,p ress .
To re t u r n to the previous screen and select another loca-
t i o n ,p ress .You can only use each label one time fo r
e a ch stored name (for ex a m p l e ,you can only have one
number labeled Wo rk for a name entry ) .
Storing phone numbers and names
To store phone nu m b e rs and names:
1 . P ress to display the Main menu .
2 . P ress for Phone Book.
3 . P ress for Add New Entry.
4 . The screen prompts for the phone nu m b e r.( You can
enter up to 32 digits.) Press the digit keys to enter the
phone nu m b e r.The number displays from left to ri g h t .
5 . P ress to enter a hard or two second pause or
p ress for the next pro m p t .
6 . Select a Label for your new entry,your choices are :
P ress H o m e
P ress Wo rk
P ress M o b i l e
P ress Page r
P ress Fa x
P ress No Lab e l
The phone prompts for a name.
7 . P ress to select <Add New Name> and create a new
I n t e rnal Phone Book entry.You will add name the new
e n t ry later.
8 . Enter the name at the screen prompt and press .
(The text entry mode default is A l p h a ) .
9 . To accept the displayed location,p r ess or to select
another location press the navigation keys to scroll to
the desired location and press .