Receiving a call
When you have an incoming Data/Fax call,your phone’s dis-
p l ay will show what type of call you are re c e i v i n g ,along with
the number of the caller.If the number matches an entry in
your Internal Phone Book,the name will also be displaye d .
If you select Auto A n s wer mode,your phone will automatical-
ly answer Data/Fax calls when the data cable is connected.
Receiving a data/fax call
N o t e :Your phone must be on a digital netwo rk to re c e i v e or
send fa xes and data.
1 . E n s u re that your Samsung PCS Phone is connected to
your computing device and is powe red on.
2 . P ress to display the Main menu .
3 . P ress for Setup/To o l .
4 . P ress for Data/Fax In.
5 . Use the scroll keys to select “Incoming Data(Fax) Only ” .
6 . P ress to save the setting.The screen displays “ N o
incoming voice calls can be re c e i ve d ” .Your phone then
re t u r ns to Standby mode and displays “* Data(Fax) Only *”
ab o ve the gre e t i n g .
N o t e : Once you have set your phone’s mode to “ I n c o m i n g
D a t a ( Fax) Only ” ,you cannot re c e i ve regular voice calls until
you ch a n ge back to “ Vo i c e ” .
7 . In the Data(Fax) pro gram on your PC,setup the A n swe r
m o d e .C l i ck on “ R e c e i ve ” and select one of the fo l l ow i n g :
Automatic Receive (re c o m m e n d e d )
M a nual Receive
Your phone is now re a d y to re c e i v e an incoming data(fa x ) .
Reading the Display
Once the call is successfully connected,your phone’s dis-
p l ay shows transmission info rm a t i o n .
During the call
Caller ID
Your phone stores the nu m b e rs of incoming Wi r eless Data
Connection calls with your voice Caller IDs.To let yo u
k n ow which is which , you will see “ D a t a ”or “ Fa x ”a l o n g
with the number of the caller when viewing your Caller
I D s .
Accessing Features
While connected on a Wi reless Data Connection call,yo u
can still access most fe a t u re s .You can navigate the phone’s
m e nu system to ch a n ge or view your phone’s fe a t u r es or
Phone Book entries or read messages or Caller IDs that yo u
re c e i ved befo re placing the call.
Call Waiting
If someone tries to re a c h you during a Wi reless Data
Connection call,you phone will behave like it is turn e d
OFF (depending on your serv i c e ,c a l l e rs will pro b ably ge t
your vo i c e m a i l ) .If you subscribe to Call Wa i t i n g ,it will
a u t o m a t i c a l ly be deactivated whenever you place or
re c e i ve a Wi reless Data Connection Call.