- Memory Switch 1
Bit Function 0 1
F Reserved
4 Zero style Normal Slash zero
3~0 International Characters
Refer to the followin
(*1) International Characters Default Value Settings
MSW1-3 MSW1-2 MSW1-1 MSW1-0 International Characters
0 0 0 0 U.S.A
0 0 0 1 France
0 0 1 0 Germany
0 0 1 1 U.K.
0 1 0 0 Denmark1
0 1 0 1 Sweden
0 1 1 0 Italy
0 1 1 1 Spain1
1 0 0 0 Japan
1 0 0 1 Norway
1 0 1 0 Denmark2
- Memory Switch 2
Bit Function 0 1
F Reserved
E How to recover to print ready after inserting paper Press FEED. Auto-recovery
D~C Reserved
B Printing region width (*1) Refer to the following table
A Paper width selection (*1) Refer to the following table
Contextual auto-cut function (*2)
Disabled Enabled
Near end switch function (*3)
Refer to the following table
(*1) Print Region Width (MSW 2-B)/Paper Width (MSW 2-A) Selection
MSW 2-B MSW 2-A Printing Region Width Paper Width
0 0 400 half dots 76mm
0 1 300 half dots 57.5mm
1 0 385 half dots 76mm
1 1 297 half dots 57.5mm
(*2) Contextual Auto-cut Function
This function auto-cuts paper when a paper feed command that feeds continuously over 7/6 inch.
Hosts that cannot send an escape sequence, such as <ESC> ādā 0 can cut paper if a 1/6 inch line feed
code <LF> is sent seven times.
(*3) Near end switch Function
When an near end switch is mounted, settings should abide by those shown in the table below.
MSW 2-1 MSW 2-0 Near end switch Function
0 0 Disabled
0 1 Disabled
1 0
Reflects the near end switch state to the status.
Printing does not stop for near end, and the printer does not go offline.
1 1
Reflects the near end switch state to the status.
Printing does stop for near end, and the printer goes offline.