Control commands list
GS ( E pL pH fn a d1...dk <Function 11>
[Format] ASCII GS ( E pL pH
a d1...dk
Hex 1D 28 45 p
L pH 0B a d1...dk
Decimal 29 40 69 p
L pH 11 a d1...dk
[Range] 3 ≤ (p
L + pH x 256) ≤ 8 (3 ≤ pL ≤ 8, 0 ≤ pH ≤ 255)
fn = 11
1 ≤ a ≤ 4
48 ≤ d ≤ 57 [a = 1]
48 ≤ d ≤ 50 [a = 2]
d = 48, 49 [a = 3]
d = 55, 56 [a = 4]
1 ≤ k ≤ 6
[Default] d1...dk = "9600" [a = 1]
d = 48 [a = 2]
d = 48 [a = 3]
d = 56 [a = 4]
[Description] Changes the condition of the serial interface defined by a.
a Item
1 Baud rate
2 Parity
3 Flow control
4 Bit length
- Baud rate (a = 1) is specified by number.
Example: When defining 19200 bps: 5 bytes as “19200” (Hexadecimal = 31H, 39H, 32H, 30H,
30H / Decimal= 49, 57, 50, 48, 48)
- Parity (a = 2) is specified by d as follows:
d Function
48 Select no parity
49 Select odd parity
50 Select even parity
- Flow control (a = 3) is specified by d as follows:
d Function
48 Select Flow control of DTR/DSR
49 Select Flow control of XON/XOFF
- Bit length (a = 4) is specified by d as follows:
d Function
55 Select 7 bits length
56 Select 8 bits length
GS ( E pL pH fn a <Function 12>
[Format] ASCII GS ( E pL pH
Hex 1D 28 45 p
L pH 0B a
Decimal 29 40 69 p
L pH 11 a
[Range] (p
L + pH x 256) = 2 (pL = 2, pH = 0)
fn = 12
1 ≤ a ≤ 4
[Description] Transmits the setting value of the serial interface communication condition specified by a.
[Notes] • This function works in user setting mode and during normal operation.
• This function transmits “Header to NUL” as follows:
a Communication condition
1 Baud rate
2 Parity
3 Flow control
4 Bit length