
Wait for First Entry Digit This is the time, in seconds (from 0 to 99), that
SVMi-4 will wait for the caller to make an entry. This timer begins after the last
Menu prompt has been spoken.
Wait for Subsequent Digits This is the time, in seconds (from 0 to 99), that
SVMi-4 will wait for the caller to make a subsequent entry. This timer begins
after the first caller entry digit has been received and resets after each digit
pressed by the caller, up to the Max Caller Entry value.
Repeat Prompts if NO ENTRY Indicates the number of times, from 0 to 9, the
Menu prompts are repeated, if no entry is made by the caller.
Retry if INVALID Condition The number of additional attempts that this
MENU allows if the caller makes an invalid entry. The allowable inputs are 0 - 9.
When retries are exhausted, the SVMi –4 will exit the MENU using the
<INVALID> condition.
Operating MODE Indicates the Mode Name and Number for which the dis-
played Block Pointers’ Targets are active. Operating Modes are given a unique
Number by the system. In the SVMi-4 they are 01 - 04, indicating Day, Night,
Holiday and Emergency / Bad weather.
Programming - Page 97