
The SVMi-4 has been designed to simplify the installation procedure an mini-
mize set up time. The following have been automated.
An extension is created for every extension on the system. This means that
the automated attendant will immediately recognize all extensions and groups
on the DCS equipment.
A mailbox is created for the first 16 or 32 extensions on the phone system.
(depending on the existence of an upgrade key).
The Day / Night service of the SVMi-4 system will change automatically when
the phone systems changes.
Menus have been created to answer calls in the Day and Night mode. Here are
also default menus for answering in the Holiday or bad weather mode.
Although the set up process has be automates as much as possible, the follow-
ing things must be manually completed.
Record a greeting for the Day mode operation (prompt number 1001). The
Programming - Page 38