Multi Room Audio Amplifier Installation Instructions
1 Introduction
The installation instructions cover a 'standalone' Multi Room Audio (MRA) amplifier
installation without a matrix switcher. A standalone amplifier configuration includes
connections to a power supply, loudspeakers and a local stereo audio source. You
can also connect additional MRA amplifiers using digital audio cables.
If you are installing a Multi Room Audio system that includes a matrix switcher, refer
to the information found in the
Multi Room Audio Matrix Switcher and System
Installation Instructions
After you install the amplifier, as described in this document, refer to the
Room Audio Amplifier User's Guide
for operating instructions.
1.1 Product Range
Three types of MRA amplifiers are available as shown in Table 1.
Catalogue Number Description
560125D/2 MRA Desktop Amplifier
560125R/2 MRA Remote Amplifier
560110R MRA Low Power Remote Amplifier
560110E Enclosure only
Table 1. Amplifier catalogue numbers
The 560125D/2 Desktop Amplifier is a high-power unit that has front panel
controls and remote sensor window, in addition to the C-Bus network interface. The
desktop amplifier is usually placed on a bedside table or on a shelf for easy access.
The 560125R/2 Remote Amplifier is a high-power unit that does not have front
panel controls. The high power remote amplifier is normally placed in an equipment
rack, built-in-robe, or above the ceiling. C-Bus input devices, such as wall switches,
DLT switches, or a touchscreen provide volume and tone control.
The 560110R Low Power Remote Amplifier has a compact form factor that allows
up to 4 units to be installed in a row in a standard 19-inch equipment rack. Unused
locations can be filled using the 56011E empty enclosure. C-Bus input unit provide
volume and tone control.
Refer to the 'Controls and Indicators' in the
Multi Room Audio Amplifier
User's Guide
for more details.