Multi Room Audio Amplifier Installation Instructions
1.3 Additional Product Information
If you have technical questions about the installation of the Multi Room Audio
equipment, contact your nearest Clipsal Integrated Systems or Schneider Electric
customer care centre. The contact information is on the back cover of this
Related Documents
Multi Room Audio Amplifier User's Guide
contains instructions for using
the amplifiers in a standalone installation.
Multi Room Audio Matrix Switcher and System Installation Instructions
a system-level document that provides details about optional features of the
amplifiers that are not discussed in this document.
Multi Room Audio Matrix Switcher and System User's Guide provides
description of amplifier use at the system level.
C-Bus wall switch and touchscreen installation instructions and user's guides
(various models). The instructions provided with the Saturn and Neo wall switches
tell you how to set up the C-Bus input units.
Online Product Information and Downloads
At the Clipsal Integrated Systems (CIS) Portal you can access software downloads
and literature. Visit the following Internet location:
http:\\www.clipsal.com\cis\portal Select the 'Technical' area.
Software Help Files
When using
C-Bus Toolkit™
configuration software and other Clipsal software
products, be sure to access the Help files for technical questions.