Refer to adjustment 4 on page 9 oFthisowner's manual. Attach the strap tothe low
pulley station. Standwithyour side toward the CROSSTRAINER e, place one foot on
the foot plate and bend forward as shown. Hold the strapwith an overhand grip_
with your arm at your side. Keep your back straight.Raise the stropto the side until
your hand islevelwith your shoulder.Returnto the startingposition.
Q. DEAD LIFT(15.125 Lbs.)
Muscles affected: quadrlceps
Refer to adjustment4 on Page 9 of this owner's manual. Altoch thelot bar tothelow
pulley:station. Standwith your feeton the foot plate and bend your knees as shown.
Hold the lat her with on overhand grip. Keep your head up and your arms and back
straight. Lift the lat bar by straighteningyour legs. Return to the starting positiGn.
R. HIP ADDUCTION (15-125 Lbs.)
Muscles affected:adductor, gluteusmedius
Refer to adjustment4 on Page 9 of this owner's manual. Attach the strap to the low
pulley station. Standwith your side toward the CROSS TRAINER e with one foot on
the Footplate. Insertyour inside leg into the strap. Keep your back straight. Keep
your leg straightand move it to the side as far as Passible. Return to the starting
S. FRONT KICK (15-125 Lbs.)
Refer toadjustment 4 on page 9 of this owner's manual. Attach the strap to the low
pulley station. Stand facing away from the CROSS TRAINER• with one heel on the
foot plate. Insert one leg into the strap. Keep your leg straightand move it away from
the CROSS TRAINER.• as far as possible. Return to the starting position.
Muscles Affected: ctuadriceps, hip extensors
(Note: Do not includethis exerciseinworkouts created with the PERSONALTRAINER
computer. When theSTEPPERisused, the s;epper console will provide feedback.)
Referto adiustment 1 on page 8 ofthis owner's manual. Hold the stepper ha,idle and
begln stepping, alternately pressing the left and right pedals down with o smooth,
continuous mo_io_ continuous motion must be maintalned or both pedals will sink
to the Floor.Adjust the stepping resistance if necessary.