Assembly requires two persons. To assemble the CROSSTRAINERe, use the included videocassette or follow the
instructions below. Due to the weight oFthe CROSS TRAINERe, it should be assembled in the location where it will be
used. Place all ports in o cleared area and remove the packing materials. Do not dispose of the packing materials until
assembly iscompleted. Make sure to lower the resistancecylinders and pedals before beginning assembly; if the
resistancecylinders fall, they may damage the side shields.Read each assemblystepand examine each drawing
carefully. Make sure that all ports are oriented as shownin the drawings.
Thefollowing tools(not included)are requiredforass_'nbly:two 8' AdjustableWrenches_ and a
RubberMallet _. Theincludedlubricantand a smallamountof soapywater are alsorequired.
1. Set the FrontBase (7) and the Rear Base (8) on the
floor as shown. Turn the Rear Base sothe indented
holesare toward the Floor.
Insertseven3/8" x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolts (1) up
through the indicated holes in the Frontand Rear
Bases (7, 8).
2. With thehelp of o secondperson, setthe Tower
Frame (10} near the indicated ends of the Frontand
Rear Bases(7, 8). The Tower Frame mustbe turned
sothe Pedals (75, 76) are on the someside as the
extension on the Front Base. Raise the Tower Frame
and lower it onto the two indicated 3/8" x 2 1/2"
Carriage Bolts(1) in the Rear Bose.
, Raise the front of the Tower Frame (I O) and lower it
onto the two indicated 3/8" x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolts
(1) in the FrontBase {7).
Adjust the position o_ the Tower Frame (10) so the
four indlcoted 3/8 _'x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolts (1) are
centered in the slottedholes in the Tower Frame.
Thread a 3/8" Nut (2) with el-3/8" Lockwasher (3)
onto each Carriage Bolt. Do not tighten the Nuts
3 2 . 2
10 j. s