7. Reading the contents of the IRC programming — master and satellite .......................... 33
8. Downloading the contents of the IRC programming to satellites — master .................... 34
(1) Initial downloading ...................................................................................................... 34
(2) Maintenance downloading.......................................................................................... 35
9. Programming for the remote printer................................................................................. 38
(1) Assigning kitchen printer numbers to remote printers — master and satellite .......... 38
(2) Assigning the second kitchen printer number to each remote printer — master
and satellite ................................................................................................................ 39
(3) Naming the remote printer — master and satellite .................................................... 39
(4) Specifying whether to enable or disable the function for data transmission to the
remote printer — master and satellite ........................................................................ 40
(5) Specifying the format of remote printing — master and satellite ............................... 40
(6) Specifying the format of chit printing — master and satellite..................................... 41
10. Reading the contents of the remote printer programming — master and satellite.......... 42
11. Downloading the contents of the remote printer programming to satellites — master ... 43
12. Programming for the Manager Work Station (MWS) — master and satellite.................. 44
(1) Programming of the terminal number......................................................................... 44
(2) Programming of the time-out value ............................................................................ 45
(3) Programming of the gateway number ........................................................................ 45
13. Reading the contents of the Manager Work Station (MWS) programming — master
and satellite ...................................................................................................................... 46
System Back-Up ..................................................................................................................... 47
1. How the IRC back-up system works ................................................................................ 47
2. Master declaration — when the master or back-up master breaks down ....................... 48
(1) When the master breaks down — Master declaration at the back-up master........... 48
(2) When the back-up master breaks down — Master declaration at the master........... 50
3. Recovery declaration — when the master or back-up master recovers from a
breakdown........................................................................................................................ 51
(1) When the master recovers from a breakdown — Recovery declaration at the
back-up master ........................................................................................................... 51
(2) When the back-up master recovers from a breakdown — Recovery declaration
at the master............................................................................................................... 53
Error Recovery........................................................................................................................ 54
1. Data clear operation......................................................................................................... 54
(1) Data clearing of the T-LOG buffer — master and satellite......................................... 54
(2) Data clearing of the capture data — master and satellite .......................................... 55
(3) Data clearing of the transaction memory — master and satellite .............................. 55
(4) Data clearing of the hourly sales data memory — master and satellite .................... 55
(5) Data clearing of the daily net sales data memory — master and satellite................. 55
(6) Data clearing of the server sign-on state — master................................................... 56
(7) Data clearing of the GLU/PBLU data in use — master.............................................. 56
2. System retry function ....................................................................................................... 57
BASIC SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................... 59