
2. Open store operation (PGM2 mode) — master and satellite
When the open store operation is performed at the master, the IRC system is opened and the
registration function becomes available at all the machines in the IRC system.
The following types of communications between the master and satellites are allowed;
From the master to the satellite
Sending a request for the satellite to receive data (T-LOG polling)
Sending a response to inquiry from the satellite
From the satellite to the master
Sending a request for T-LOG polling
Sending data to the T-LOG buffer
Sending a request for updating of the GLU/PBLU file
Inquiring for data on the GLU/PBLU and customer files
Open store procedure (PGM2 mode)
Select OPEN STORE from the PGM2 mode menu and
press the [ENTER] key.
You can also perform the open store operation at each satellite. Once the open store
operation is performed at a satellite, you can make registrations at the satellite. When you
perform the open store operation at the satellites, T-LOG polling will not take place.
The open store operation cannot be performed at any machine whose terminal number has
not been programmed.
If a transmission error occurs when the open store operation is being performed, the master
displays and prints (journal printer) the machine number of the satellite that encountered the
error. When the master has been programmed to enable the system retry function*, a prompt
to retry the open store operation will be displayed.
* For the system retry function, please refer to pages 57 - 58.