3.4.1 Tile
Click on the Tile item to force all of the LBA-PC child Windows to return to their default sizes and
3.5 Start!/Stop!... A Toggle Menu Action Item
Activating the Start! menu item will cause the LBA-PC to start collecting and processing frames of data.
The source of the data frames can be either live video input to the Frame Grabber card, if installed, or
from previously stored data files. Refer to the Capture Method section for source selection.
Activating the Stop! menu item will cause the LBA-PC to stop collecting and processing new data.
During Ultracal operations, the Stop! menu item can also be used to abort the calibration process. An
abort will cause the last previously generated (if any) Ultracal conditions to be restored.
3.6 Ultracal! Menu Action Item
Ultracal is a trademark of Spiricon Inc.
Ultracal processing is protected under United States Patent Nos. 5,418,562 and 5,440,338.
Activating the Ultracal! menu item will cause the LBA-PC to begin an automatic camera calibration
cycle. The results of this operation will be to store a calibration frame that will be used to preprocess
all data frames newly acquired from the Frame Grabber card.
Note: The Ultracal process is only applied to newly acquired data frames; not to data that was acquired prior to an
Ultracal execution; nor is it applied to data from a data file. If you execute a Post Processing operation, Ultracal
will be turned OFF at the start of Post Processing, and remain OFF after it’s completion.
The status of the Ultracal condition is visible in the Ultracal Enunciator shown here
and at the
bottom of the LBA-PC’s main display screen.
If the color of the Ultracal Enunciator is:
GRAY, Ultracal processing is turned OFF.
GREEN, Ultracal operation was successful and is OPERATING.
RED, Ultracal processing has been DISABLED because something caused the calibration to become
Hint: Just because the Ultracal enunciator is GREEN it doesn’t mean that all is well. Camera baselines drift with
temperature and over time. Therefore it is a good practice to re-Ultracal! just prior to collecting important data.
3.6.1 How to Ultracal!
• Block your laser beam from the camera.
• Point and Click the Ultracal! menu item.
• After a few seconds.. observe that the Ultracal Enunciator turns GREEN.
• Unblock your laser beam from the camera.
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC