Appendix A Remote Command/Error Message Operation
The LBA-PC can be controlled as a remote device via GPIB. For the most part, communications
between the LBA-PC and the host controller will follow the data format and coding protocols outlined in
the IEEE 488.1 and 488.2 standards.
A.1 IEEE 488.1 Command Support
The LBA-PC in combination with an appropriate National Instruments GPIB board conforms to the IEEE
488.1 standard according to the following Subset Codes:
SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL2, PP0, DC1, DT0, E2, C0
These Subset Codes are defined in the IEEE 488.1 standard and describe interface capabilities of the
The following multiple line interface message commands are supported by the LBA-PC:
GTL Go To Local (0x01). When the LBA-PC detects the GTL message it returns to
local command mode.
LLO Local Lockout (0x11). When the LBA-PC detects the LLO message it enters what
is called the lockout state. This is equivalent to entering the operator password
in the Options | Password menu item. While in the lockout state access is denied
to many of the LBA-PC menu items. When the LBA-PC exits the lockout state
access to all menu items is restored.
MLA My Listen Address (0x20 to 0x3e).
MSA My Secondary Address (0x60 to 0x7e).
MTA My Talk Address (0x40 to 0x5e).
PPC Parallel Poll Configure (0x05). Handled by GPIB board and NI-488.2M.
PPD Parallel Poll Disable (0x70 to 0x7e). Handled by GPIB board and NI-488.2M.
PPE Parallel Poll Disable (0x60 to 0x6e). Handled by GPIB board and NI-488.2M.
PPU Parallel Poll Unconfigure (0x15). Handled by GPIB board and NI-488.2M.
SPD Serial Poll Disable (0x19).
SPE Serial Poll Enable (0x18).
UNL Unlisten (0x3f).
UNT Untalk (0x5f).
The following IEEE 488.1 commands are not
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10