Managing SimpleShare Administration
The name you choose for SimpleShare is very important. This name not only gives SimpleShare a unique identity on the network,
but is required in order to access SimpleShare data. When choosing a name, pick one that is easy to remember. For example,
you can use your last name, a description of the data SimpleShare will store, or where SimpleShare will be located. If there’s
only one SimpleShare on your network, you can use its default name, “SimpleShare.”
1 In the Administration menu, click Basic.
2 In Machine Name, enter the network name you want
assigned to the SimpleShare, then Click .
The SimpleShare name can be up to 15 characters in length,
containing any combination of alphanumeric (A-Z and 1-9)
characters, including the dash (-) character. Spaces and
special characters are not allowed.
If you share SimpleShare with MS-DOS computers, do not
use more than eight characters in the SimpleShare name.
The TCP/IP networking protocol supports network names up
to 63 characters long. However, these longer names should
only contain the numbers 0-9, the letters A-Z and a-z, and
hyphens. You can use other characters, but doing so might
prevent other users from finding your SimpleShare on the
network. If your network is using the Microsoft DNS server,
you can use any characters except periods.