Managing SimpleShare Disk Pool
Encrypted pools provide security for the data stored in the pool. Encrypted pools must be remounted whenever SimpleShare is
rebooted, powered off or reset to factory defaults. Instructions for mounting an encrypted pool are provided in “Mounting
Encrypted Pools” on page 92.
1 In the Disk Management menu, click Create New Pool.
2 In New Pool Name, enter a descriptive name for the
encrypted pool.
3 Select Encrypt Pool.
4 In Encryption Password, enter the password to be
used to encrypt data in the pool. In Confirm Password,
re-enter the password to verify it was entered correctly.
5 To allocate all available disk space on SimpleShare to
the new pool, in Pool Mapping Preference, select Auto
Configuration, then continue to Step 7 on page 86.
Passwords should be at least eight characters long and may
contain any combination of alphanumeric characters (A-Z
and 1-9) and special characters such as &, $, and >.
Spaces are not allowed.
Selecting Auto Configuration automatically selects the
Maximum Size checkbox.