Below is a table summarizing all the preprogrammed sequences.
Sequence Zone 1 Zone 2 Zones 3 & 4 When sequence should be used
MPIN A # chime chime chime use for testing after installation
and to test batteries, also use as
a subtle chime when a remote
sensor has been activated
MPIN B C exit delay off instant use when leaving the premises
(after 45 sec.)entry delay entry delay instant and no one is inside
MPIN C exit delay off instant use when leaving the premises
(after 45 sec.) and someone is inside the
MPIN A B instant off instant use when people are in the
premises and no one is expected
to enter/exit
MPIN # off off off turns off the system
note: when MPIN # is enter and the system is already off, the system will default
back to the last sequence before the unit was shut off
MPIN A A entry delay off instant someone is in the building and
someone is expected to enter/
no exit delay
MPIN A C entry delay entry delay instant person staying in the premises
is setting the alarm and will not
walk in the area monitored by the
motion detector
Panic button - The SC-100 has 2 panic buttons, (the red buttons on the
keychain transmitter and on the Control Panel). The alarm will sound instantly
when either of these buttons are pressed what ever mode you are in.
Emergency Silent Alarm (works in conjunction with the Emergency Dialer
option) - When disarming the system under duress, enter your MPIN, then
press [ B ], [ B ]. This will terminate the delay mode and return to the previous
arm mode, as well as send a signal to the Emergency Dialer, which will then
send pre-recorded messages for help.
When both power sources are removed from the Control Panel, (the AC
adapter is unplugged and the battery is removed), all sequences will return
to the above factory default.
Program the system to the sequence you want to alter.
1. Enter the current MPIN.
2. Press [ B ].
3. Press a number key to select the zone you would like to change,
[ 1, 2, 3 or 4 ].
The zone lights in the chosen zone will flash for eight seconds.
4. While the lights flash, press [ A ].
5. Select the new mode you want to use:
[ 0 ] = Disarm, [ 1 ] = Chime Mode, [ 2 ] = Delay Entry/Exit Mode,
[ 3 ] = Instant Mode
6. Press [ * ].
A long beep signals a successful change.
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