With the exception of bits 8 to 15 of the 400h offset
address field, the length of the entire ConfigROM field
is made up of 1Fh Quadlets. So ConfigROM from
400h to 47Fh is 128 bytes.
Offset address 420h and key code 8Dh indicate a
NodeUniqueID Leaf offset, but in 1394a-2000, this
field has been eliminated. To ensure compatibility with
previous models, this field has been retained in this
model, but in writing drivers and software
applications, be sure to ignore this field. For a
NodeUniqueID, use NodeVendorID/ChipID-Hi +
ChipID-Lo in BusInfoBlock.
The offset address of UnitDirectory is required to be
424h +000004h * 4 = 434h
For offset address 434h, the length of the
UnitDirectory is 3 Quadlets. UnitSpecID (00A02Dh)
conforms to 1394TA standards.
UnitSoftwareVersion (000102h) conforms to the IIDC
standard, v 1.30.
The offset address of UnitDependentInfo is required to
440h + 000001h * 4 = 444h
Offset 0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31
Bus 400h 04 1F ROM CRC
Info 404h 31 33 39 34
Block 408h 20 FF 60 00
40ch 08 00 46 02 NodeVendorID/ChipID-Hi
410h 00 0F 00 01 ChipID-Lo
Root 414h 0004 CRC
Directory 418h 03 08 00 46 ModuleVendorID
41ch 0C 00 83 C0
420h 8D 00 00 02 IndirectOffset
424h D1 00 00 04 UnitDirectoryOffset
Offset 0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31
Unit 434h 0003 CRC
Directory 438h 12 00 A0 2D UnitSpecID
43Ch 13 00 01 02 UnitSoftwareVersion
440h D4 00 00 01 UnitDependentDirectory Offset