
Feature Controls (IIDC Extended)
This camera supports the following extended features.
PAINT Sets the reference point of the White Balance to other than white.
Memory Shot Stores an image on the frame memory and outputs it asynchronously.
User Memory A 256-byte memory area reserved for users. The information in this area will be preserved even if the power to the camera is
turned off.
To control these extended features (Vendor Unique Features), use the Access Control Register defined by the
IIDC standard.
The formula for the ACR offset address
First, we will find out whether the camera supports Vender Unique Features.
F0F00400h 80001802h 0 Vender Unique Features are supported.
(BASIC_FUNC_INQ) 19 One Shot can be transmitted.
20 Multi Shot can be transmitted.
28-31 2: Memory channel 2
F0F00480h 003CC000h ACR offset
The Access Control Register address is given by the
following formula.
F0000000h + 003CC000h * 4 = F0F30000h