Command List
New Query Command List (1/1)
Inquiry Command Command Packet Inquiry Packet Comments
CAM_IRCorrectionInq 8x 09 04 11 FF y0 50 00 FF Standard
y0 50 01 FF IR Light
CAM_WBModeInq 8x 09 04 35 FF y0 50 06 FF Outdoor Auto
y0 50 07 FF Sodium Lamp Auto
y0 50 08 FF Sodium Lamp
CAM_GainLimitInq 8x 09 04 2C FF y0 50 0q FF p: Gain Limit
CAM_WDModeInq 8x 09 04 3D FF y0 50 01 FF On (RatioFix)
y0 50 04 FF On (Dver operation)
CAM_WDParameterInq 8x 09 04 2D FF y0 50 00 0p 0q 0r 0s 0t 0u 00 00 FF p: Screen display
q: Detection sensitivity
r: Blocked-up shadow correction level
s: Blown-out highlight correction level
tu: Exposure ratio of short exposure
CAM_WDAlarmReplyInq 8x 09 04 3B FF y0 50 02 FF On
y0 50 03 FF Off
CAM_NRInq 8x 09 04 53 FF y0 50 0p FF p: NR level
CAM_StabilizerModeInq 8x 09 04 34 FF y0 50 02 FF On
y0 50 03 FF Off
y0 50 00 FF Hold
CAM_ExtLockInq 8x 09 04 55 FF y0 50 00 FF Internal Sync
y0 50 01 FF V-Phase Adjustment
y0 50 02 FF External Sync
CAM_ColorEnhanceInq 8x 09 04 20 FF y0 50 mm nn pp qq rr ss tt uu FF mm: Threshold level
nn: Hysteresis width
pp: Fixed color Y of high-intensity side
qq: Fixed color Cr of high-intensity side
rr: Fixed color Cb of high-intensity side
ss: Fixed color Y of low-intensity side
tt: Fixed color Cr of low-intensity side
uu: Fixed color Cb of low-intensity side
8x 09 04 50 FF y0 50 02 FF On
y0 50 03 FF Off
CAM_TempInq 8x 09 04 68 FF y0 50 00 00 0p 0p FF pq: Temperature * Lens temperature