
8-2 Function Menu Item List
Chapter 8 Function Menu
When a menu item setting flashes
You can change the setting value by turning the MULTI
To change the function menu page
Press one of the menu page selection buttons (P1 to P5) to
change the function menu page to the corresponding page.
By default the following pages are assigned to the menu
page selection buttons.
P1: Changes the function menu page to P01: HOME.
P2: Changes the function menu page to P02: TC.
P3: Changes the function menu page to P03: VID
P4: Changes the function menu page to P08: AUD INP.
Each time the menu page selection button P5: PAGE
DOWN is pressed, the function menu page changes in the
order P01 t P02 t P03 t P04 t P05 t P06 t P07
t P08 t P01.
When this button is pressed with the SHIFT/ENTRY
button held down, the function menu page changes in the
reverse order.
All of the function buttons in function menu pages P09 and
P10 are undefined when the unit is shipped from the
factory. If you try to display a page with no function
assigned using the P5: PAGE DOWN, the target page is
skipped to change to the next displayable function menu
page. For example, in the factory default configuration
described above, the display order is “P08 t P01”.
Settings which do not appear in the menu
In function menu page P01: HOME (see the figure in
Section “8-1-1 Function Menu Configuration”), the
settings for F9 (MENU) and F10 (TCG SET) do not appear
in the lower part of the function button display area. When
you press the F9 or F10 button, the function menu page
changes to allow you to set the menu items for F9 or F10,
For more information about changing (user-defining) the
functions of function buttons and menu page selection
buttons and the settings of user-definable function menu
pages, refer to the Maintenance Manual Volume 1.
8-2 Function Menu Item
The function menu has the following items.
8-2-1 User-Definable Function Menu
Pages (P01 to P10)
Functions on these function menu pages can be changed to
user-defined functions. Standard functions are already set
on the eight function menu pages P01 to P08, when the unit
is shipped from the factory.
The function menu pages and function buttons are
provided with the functions by factory default as follows.
The explanations in this manual are based on the factory
default standard settings.
This is a function menu page for setting basic items.
Item Setting
F1 (VIDEO IN) Selects the input video signal.
SDI: HDSDI signal
SG (normally not displayed): Test signal
from the internal test signal generator
(For details, see setup menu item 710
on page 93.)
To change to SG, hold down the ALT/
DELETE button, then select F1.
F2 (No function assigned)
F3 (EDIT) Jump to P06: EDIT (editing control page).
Jump to P07: E.PRESET (edit preset page).
F5 (CLR CNT) Tape counter clear
F6 (PB/EE) Select the video and audio signals output
during fast forward, rewind, stop, and
PB: Playback signals
EE: E-E mode signals
F7 (CONFI) Select whether or not to use the CONFI
playback function when recording.
ENABLE: Use the CONFI playback
DISABL: Do not use the CONFI playback