8-2 Function Menu Item List
Chapter 8 Function Menu
This is a function menu page for selecting timecode (TC)
or user bit (UB) digits to set in the setup menu.
This is for setting the ID code and starting TC in setup
menu items 603 and 621, respectively.
Item Setting
F1 (No function assigned)
F2 (No function assigned)
F3 (No function assigned)
F4 (No function assigned)
F5 (No function assigned)
F6 (No function assigned)
F7 (No function assigned)
F8 (No function assigned)
F9 (No function assigned)
F10 (EXIT) Return to the previous page.
Item Setting
F1 (PREV) Select the previous TC/UB digit.
F2 (NEXT) Select the next TC/UB digit.
F3 (No function assigned)
F4 (No function assigned)
F5 (ITEM) Return to the setup menu item screen.
F6 (No function assigned)
F7 (No function assigned)
F8 (No function assigned)
F9 (SET) Confirm the TC/UB data value and return to
the previous page.
F10 (EXIT) Cancel the setup menu setting changes
and return to the previous page.