Watching Video on LocationFree Player
Overview of the LocationFree Player Window
A Video indicator
B Volume indicator
C Minimize button
Minimizes the LocationFree Player window.
D Maximize/Restore button
Maximizes the LocationFree Player window.
Click again to restore the window to its
original size.
E Close button
Quits the LocationFree Player application.
F Index (1 page 25)
Click Video 1 or Video 2.
G Settings (1 page 28)
Displays the [Settings] window, which
allows you to make several settings.
H Volume controls
Click [+] to increase the volume, and [-] to
decrease it.
I Muting
Turns off the sound.
When the sound is off, you can turn it back
on by clicking this button again or by
clicking the volume [+] button.
J Rate (1 page 27)
Displays the screen for adjusting the video
rate (picture quality).
K Remote (1 page 25)
Displays the on-screen remote control for
Video 1 or Video 2.
L Connect/Disconnect
Connect: Connects to the Base Station.
Disconnect: Disconnects from the Base
M ,
Appears when the window has been resized
to a smaller size, hiding the lower part of the
index and the buttons at the bottom right.
Click this to display the hidden buttons.
When the volume buttons [+] and [-] are hidden and
then displayed by clicking [ ], the volume can only
be adjusted by one step at a time.
z Tip
You can use your mouse or keyboard to display the
settings dialog box and to make various adjustments.
For details, see “Mouse and Keyboard Operations”
(1 page 31).
LocationFree Player Basic Window
When the window size is small.