Advanced Base Station Settings
You can change the wireless settings of the Base
Station. If the settings of the Base Station are
changed, the wireless settings of the device to be
connected to also need to be changed.
The updated settings will take effect after restarting the
Base Station or clicking [Exit Setup].
1 Wireless LAN devices that conform to the
IEEE802.11b/g standards can be used on the
following channels. When connecting your
computer to the Base Station via a wireless
connection, select a channel supported by the
LAN device.
• IEEE802.11b wireless LAN device: 2.4
• IEEE802.11g wireless LAN device: 2.4
2 An SSID is already entered here at the time of
purchase (the characters shown on the side of
the Base Station). If you want to change it,
enter a string of up to 32 alphanumeric
characters and symbols.
An SSID is an ID that identifies a wireless
3 [WEP] and [WPA-PSK with TKIP] are
encryption methods. Select one or the other,
and enter an encryption key or a pre-shared
When using WEP:
As the encryption key, enter a string of
characters or a string of hexadecimal
You can use any string of characters as the
key, but the number of required characters
differs depending on the length of the key. The
following table shows the number of required
characters and the characters that can be used
in encryption keys.
When using WPA-PSK with TKIP:
Enter a pre-shared key from 8 to 64 characters
in length.
When you enter 64 characters, the available
characters are limited to 0 to 9, A to F, and a
to f.
4 Click this to confirm and save the information
you have entered.
5 Click this to initialize all wireless LAN
Initialization is possible only in setup mode.
About Wireless Security
Since communication via the wireless LAN
function is established by radio waves, the
wireless signal may be susceptible to
interception. To decrease this danger, the
LocationFree Base Station supports various
security functions. Be sure to correctly configure
the security settings in accordance with your
intended purpose and network environment.
Changing the
Wireless Settings of
the Base Station
Wireless Settings
Key length 64-bit 128-bit
5 characters
13 characters
10 characters
(0 to 9, A to F,
a to f)
26 characters
(0 to 9, A to F,
a to f)
Input method Number of characters
Character input 8 to 63 characters
(alphanumeric, symbols)
Hexadecimal input 64 characters
(0 to 9, A to F, a to f)