Chapter 2 Powering the OXF-R3 2-3
Chapter 2 Powering The OXF-R3
9. Log in at the Host Computer. Note that the user name and password
below are the system defaults.
Type sm (case-sensitive) then press {RETURN}.
Type in the password: oxf-r3 (case-sensitive), then press {RETURN}.
1 oxf-r3 is the default password. This may be changed but its modification must
be carried out with help from Sony personnel.
2 Login can be initiated while programs are still being downloaded from the Host
Computer. It is not necessary to wait until all the console LCD screens are
displaying ‘X’ in their centres.
10. Once logged-in, a window is displayed on the monitor of the Host
Computer. Use the mouse to move the cursor into this window entitled
STIF. Note that the window surround changes colour from green to
red, to indicate that this is now the active window.
11. Check that the console LCD screens are all displaying ‘X’ before
proceeding, then:
Type: run_r3 (case-sensitive) then press {RETURN}.
12. Observe that the centre LCD screen in the console displays a summary
of the processes being executed by the Host Computer which are
displayed in greater detail on the monitor.
13. When the loading of the Netlist is complete, the centre screen of the
console displays the OXF-R3 logo.
14. Switch-on is now complete, but wait until all controls on the control
panel are initialised (indicated by their lighting up) before operating
the system.