Chapter 3 Getting Started 3-23
Chapter 3 Getting Started
1 At the Send Outputs 1-24 panel in the console
centre section, select {17-24} and then select
{STEREO} between Send Masters 17 and 18.
Sends 17 and 18 are a dedicated assignment to
Stereo Foldback 1. Select {AFL} to audition the
Send Masters 19 and 20 are assigned to Stereo Foldback
O/P 2; 21 and 22 to Foldback 3; 23 and 24 to Foldback 4.
2 At the Select To Faders panel, select {SEND17} or
{SEND18} . Pressing either will light both.
3-10-5 To Set Up a Stereo Headphone Mix for Foldback 1 O/P
3 Turn off the {CUT} buttons and set up the balance
and pan positions using the Faders and their Pans.
Turn off the Pan {CUT} if necessary.
4 At the Foldback Groups 1-4 section, located in the
central Monitor panel, adjust the LEVEL pot for a
suitable level in the headphones. (Make sure
{CUT} is not lit) Use the {T/BF/Back1} button to
talk to the artist(s).
5 The bus level itself, which defaults to unity gain,
can be adjusted using the central faders. On the
Select To Faders panel, SEL section, select
{SENDs17-24} and adjust Fader 17 or 18.
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