
MovieShaker Software
3 Click Text Setting to create customized text. The Text Setting dialog box
appears. Enter your text, and select the font, size, color, and positioning for
your text.
4 Drag the Text effect icon you want to add from the Effect tray to the Effect
palette on the Edit tray.
5 Click the Play button on the Edit tray to preview the text effect. The clip
displays the text effect in the Effect tray window.
Saving a movie
1 Verify that the movie or clips you want to save are located on the Story
Board tray.
2 Click Export on the Story Board tray.
Effects Tray (Text button selected)
A preview of the added text and text effect is displayed in the Effects tray window.
From the Edit tray, you can eliminate a text effect by dragging it from the Effect palette
to the trash icon. See the online Help file for more information on adjusting Text