6.Command Specification MODE SELECT
6-48 SONY AIT-3Ex drive SDX-800V series Ver.1.1
6.7.6. Informational Exceptions Control Page (1Ch)
The Informational Exceptions control page defines the methods used by the target to control the reporting and the
operations of specific informational exception conditions.
Table 6-45 : Informational Exceptions Control Page
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 PS(0) Reserved Page Code (1Ch)
1 Page Length (0Ah)
2 Perf(0) Reserved (0) DExcpt Test Reserved LogErr (0)
3 Reserved MRIE
4 (MSB)
Interval Timer
(00 00 00 00h)
8 (MSB)
Report Count/Test Flag Number
LogErr: This field is not supported.
DE xcpt: The Disable Exception Control (DE xcpt ) bit of ZERO indicates information operations shall be enabled.
The reporting of information exception conditions when the Dexcpt bit is set to ZERO is determined from the method
of reporting informational exception field. The Dexcpt bit of ONE indicates the drive shall be disable all information
exception operations. The method of reporting informational exceptions field is ignored when Dexcpt is set to ONE.
Test: The Test bit of ZERO indicates the drive shall not generate any test/false informational exception condition.
This bit of ONE indicates the drive shall generate test/false informational exception conditions. The default value of
Test is ZERO.
Perf: The Performance bit ( Per ) of ZERO indicates that informational exception operations that are the cause of
delays are acceptable. The Perf bit of ONE indicates the drive shall be set to ZERO otherwise a CHECK
CONDITION with an ILLEGAL REQUEST sense key set.
MRIE: The Method of Reporting Informational Exceptions field (MRIE) indicates the method used by the drive to
report informational exception conditions. If the informational exception condition was generated by an event that
caused a real CHECK CONDITION to occur, then this real CHECK CONDITION will over-ride the CHECK
CONDITION defined in MRIE modes. The drive supports value 0, 3 and 4.
When MRIE is set to 0, this method instructs the drive to not report informational exception conditions. When MRIE
is set to 4 (Unconditionally generate RECOVERED ERROR), this method instructs the drive to report informational
exception conditions by returning a CHECK CONDITION status on the next SCSI command (excluding INQUIRY,
REQUEST SENSE and REPORT LUNS) after an informational exception condition was detected. The sense key
shall be set to RECOVERED ERROR and the additional sense code shall indicate the cause of the information
exception condition (which is 5D/00h). The command that has the CHECK CONDITION shall complete without error
before any exception condition may be reported (and thus does not need to be reported).
Interval Timer: This field is not supported by the drive and if set a CHECK CONDITION status is returned with an
ILLEGAL REQUEST sense key set.
Report Count /Test Flag Number: This field has a dual purpose. When Test bit is set to ZERO, the value of this
field in the MODE SELECT data represents the Report Count. When a MODE SELECT command is sent with the
Test bit it set to ONE, the value of this field in the MODE SELECT data represents the Test Flag Number, which is
never returned in response to a MODE SENSE command. Valid values of Test Number are –64 to 64 and 32767
(7FFFh). Negative numbers are represented using the 2’s complement method. If the Test Flag Number is set to an
invalid value, the MODE SELECT command will return CHECK CONDITION, with sense key set to ILLEGAL
REQUEST and extended sense set to Invalid Field in Parameter list.