6.Command Specification MODE SENSE
6-56 SONY AIT-3Ex drive SDX-800V series Ver.1.1
6.8. MODE SENSE (6/10) 1Ah and 5Ah
Table 6-49: Mode Sense (6) CDB Format
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Operation Code (1Ah)
1 Reserved DBD Reserved
2 PCF Page Code
3 Reserved
4 Allocation Length
5 Vendor Specific (00b) Reserved NACA (0) Flag (0) Link (0)
Table 6-50: Mode Sense (10) CDB Format
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Operation Code (5Ah)
1 Reserved LLBAA (0) DBD Reserved
2 PCF Page Code
3-6 Reserved
7-8 Allocation Length
5 Vendor Specific (00b) Reserved NACA (0) Flag (0) Link (0)
The MODE SENSE (6/10) commands provide a means to report its default, current and changeable configuration
parameters. They are complementary to MODE SELECT (6/10) commands. The 6-byte and 10-byte commands can
be interchanged.
The format of the data returned is different for the six and ten byte commands. See the MODE SELECT (6/10)
commands for the mode header format differences.
LLBAA: The LLBAA function is not supported. This field must be ZERO. This field is defined for MODE SENSE 10
If this field is not set to 0b for a MODE SENSE (10) command, the command terminates with CHECK CONDITION
status, the sense key set to ILLEGAL REQUEST, the ASC/ASCQ is set to INVALID FIELD IN CDB.
DBD: A Disable Block Descriptors (DBD) bit of ZERO indicates that the target may return ZERO or more block
descriptors in the returned MODE SENSE data at the target's discretion. A DBD bit of one specifies that the target
shall not return any block descriptors in the returned MODE SENSE data.
PC: The Page Control field indicates the type of page parameter values to be returned to the Host as shown below.
Table 6-51: Page Control field values
Bit 7 Bit 6 Parameter Values Description
0 0 Current Values This is the normal default situation where the drive returns to the host
its current configuration. Page fields not supported are set to ZERO by
the drive.
0 1 Changeable Values These are any values which a host may alter in a subsequent MODE
SELECT command. Any field that the drive allows to be changed is set
to one. Otherwise the field is set to ZERO.
1 0 Default Values These are the default values on power-up
1 1 Saved Values Not supported by the drive
The addition page length field of each page returned by the drive indicates the number of bytes supported for that
page. Fields not supported by the drive are set to ZERO.
Page Code: This allows the Host to select any specific or all pages supported by the drive. The page codes that are
supported are: