Configuring the Advanced Settings
Gigaset SE366 WLAN / englisch / A31008-M1063-R101-4x-7619 / configure_router.fm / 13.11.2008
Schablone 2004_12_27
Configuring the Advanced Settings
You can configure all the options for the Gigaset SE366 WLAN in the Advanced
Settings menu. If you want, you can also make changes to the settings you made using
the wizard. The following table shows the options in the menu.
Menu Description
Internet This menu comprises all the settings relating to the Internet.
You can:
u check and change the configuration for Internet access (see
page 45) or specify a preferred DNS server (see page 49),
u configure the firewall, i.e. a number of security and special
functions, e.g. access control for local PCs to the Internet or
blocking certain Internet sites (see page 50),
u make the NAT settings needed to provide your own services
on the Internet (see page 56),
u set up dynamic DNS for a static Internet address on your
device (see page 61),
u configure the Quality of Service (see page 62).
Local Network You can change the Private IP address of the Gigaset SE366
WLAN here and make settings on the DHCP server (see
page 63).
Wireless Network You can define your settings for WPS here, configure the
options for wireless communication (SSID and encryption) and
restrict access to the Gigaset SE366 WLAN (see page 45). In
addition, you can optimise the transmission quality of your
WLAN and adjust it to your requirements (range, transmission
rate, see page 65).
Administration You can make or change various system settings here, e.g.
assign a password (see page 79), set the time (see page 78), or
activate remote administration (see page 80).
You can also back up the data on your Gigaset SE366 WLAN or
load new firmware (see page 82).