Gigaset SE366 WLAN / englisch / A31008-M1063-R101-4x-7619 / appendix.fm / 13.11.2008
Schablone 2004_12_27
You cannot connect to the
ì Check whether the Connect on demand option is
deactivated. In this case, connections cannot be
opened automatically.
ì Select Connect on demand.
ì The connection may have been terminated manu-
ally with the Connect on demand option selected.
– Open the connection again manually using
the Connect button
– Restart the Gigaset SE366 WLAN.
In both cases, the Connect on demand setting will
be active again.
ì Make sure that you have entered the access data
supplied by your service provider correctly.
ì There may be a problem at the service provider
end. Get in touch with your service provider.
You cannot open a connec-
tion from a wireless device
to the Gigaset SE366 WLAN.
You try to perform WPS registration on the network
adapter but the registration button has not been
pressed on the Gigaset SE366 WLAN.
ì Press the Registration button on the Gigaset
SE366 WLAN back panel and activate WPS within
two minutes on the network adapter.
You defined a PIN for WPS registration but the network
adapter doesn’t use any PIN or not the right one.
ì Check the wireless network encryption settings and
find out the PIN that is used by the Gigaset SE366
WLAN. Enter this PIN on the network adapter.
The wireless network adapter is not using the
correct SSID.
ì Change the SSID on the network adapter or use the
WPS function.
You have set SSID and encryption manually and then
performed WPS registration.
ì Check which SSID and pre-shared key are used and
configure the WLAN clients with this data.
MAC access control is activated, but the PC is not
included in the MAC address list.
ì Enter the PC that is to register via WPS in the MAC
address list.
Symptom Possible cause and remedial actions